Top 7 Best DIY Halloween Costumes

Let’s face it, store-bought Halloween costumes are lame. They’re expensive, and usually only slightly resemble the thing they’re themed after. Thankfully, there’s an easy solution: make your own! DIY Halloween costumes are fun, cheap, and best of all, you have complete control over how the end product turns out.

If you’re in need of a bit of inspiration, you’re in luck. We’ve compiled seven of the best DIY costume ideas on the Internet that are sure to scare up a bit of creativity. With just a dash of hard work and time, you’ll be rocking your very own homemade getup in no time.

So don’t waste money on a cheap store-bought costume.  A DIY Halloween is the way to go!

Marie Antoinette

Photo & Tutorial Via Instructables User Koalalana

This frightening costume uses a half shirt mannequin for the upper torso, and old umbrellas to make the hoop skirt. Even the dress is DIY!



Photo & Tutorial Via Flickr User Dave Johnson

This awesome Samurai costume is made entirely from Rubbermaid garbage cans and old rubber stoppers. The helmet is particularly detailed.

Snow Globe


Photo & Tutorial via Flickr User jpotisch

This fun costume uses sheets of acetate for a dome, and foam for the lower half. It even has a mini volcano and tiny palm trees!


Photo & Tutorial Via Martha Stewart 

Ditch the toilet paper, and make your mummy costume with cheese cloth and paper towels dipped in cool coffee. The result is terrifyingly realistic.

Mad Cyborg

Photo & Tutorial via Instructables User M.C. Langer

This battle-ready costume features a chest plate, face shield, and mechanical arm with authentic cyborg action. Best of all, it’s made from recycled computer parts!

Toy Army Soldier

Photo & Tutorial Via Wild Ink Press

Take a trip back to your childhood with this playful costume. It makes great use of green paint, thrift store clothing, cardboard, and nylon stockings.


Photo & Tutorial Via Instructables User yihungkuo

This ingenious costume is comprised almost entirely of cardboard. It looks great, and is a perfect way to upcycle some old boxes.

What’s your favorite DIY costume idea? Are you going to make your own costume, or are you headed for the store-bought route? Sound off in the comments section, or on Twitter @helton_tool, with your thoughts.

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